

Analysis of Consumer Property Rights Expectations in Commercial Housing

  • 摘要: 目前我国立法对商品房消费者物权期待权没有明确规定,理论界对该权利的性质界定莫衷一是,司法实践中涉及该权利纠纷案件的处理存在同案不同判。鉴于此,本文提出商品房消费者物权期待权应界定为具有担保性质的物权,就权利构造来看,该权利宜理解为优先权与购房款债权的结合。随着商品房消费者物权期待权纠纷的日益增多,亟需在民事实体法中对该权利明确规范,并将其纳入我国优先权体系,赋予其优先于建设工程价款优先受偿权、抵押权和其他债权的效力。


    Abstract: Currently, there is no clear legal definition of commercial housing consumer’s expectant property right in our country’s legislation, and there is no consensus in the theoretical community regarding the nature of this right. In judicial practice, there are inconsistent judgments in cases involving disputes related to this right. Therefore, this article proposes that the expected property right of commercial housing consumers should be defined as a guarantee-like property right. In terms of the structure of the right, it should be understood as a combination of priority rights and the right to purchase house payment debt. With the increasing number of disputes related to commercial housing consumer’s expectant property rights, there is an urgent need to clearly regulate this right in civil entity law and incorporate it into our country’s priority rights system, granting it the priority to receive payment ahead of construction project costs, mortgage rights, and other debts


