

A Study of the Development of Specialized Markets in Wuhu

  • 摘要: 基于对专业市场布局要求和芜湖专业市场发展条件的综合分析,确定芜湖可能发展的专业市场广谱,针对适合芜湖发展的专业市场门类进行优化筛选,择选出芜湖最具发展优势的国际性、全国性和区域性专业市场,明确发展重点领域。


    Abstract: Based on the current situation and development conditions of specialized markets in Wuhu, the paper is intended to analyze the development conditions of specialized markets in Wuhu from the perspective of population size, optimize the appropriate specialized markets for the development in Wuhu, select the most advantageous international, national, and regional specialized markets and make clear the development of key areas of specialized markets.


