

Comparison Between Labour Theory of Value andUtility Theory of Value

  • 摘要: 劳动价值论是通过抽象商品的产生源泉——劳动的实际消耗量来定义价值的,强调不同商品生产劳动间的平等性,即等量劳动耗费应得等量补偿;而效用价值论是通过直接抽象商品的使用价值——劳动的最终有用性来定义价值的,强调不同商品生产劳动间的竞争性,即每一劳动量应产生最大的效用。两种价值论从定义上看并不存在必然的冲突,还存在互补性。历史上受权力干扰和资源流动不畅的影响,在商品分配中不同商品生产劳动间常常出现不公平竞争,导致等量劳动耗费不能得到等量补偿,而过度强调平等性,又可能牺牲竞争性,降低劳动的有用性。


    Abstract: The value of a commodity is a measure of the distribution of goods. The key to value definition is the comparison of value between different goods. The labor theory of value defines value by the actual consumption of abstract labor, emphasizing the equality between different commodity production labor. The utility theory of value defines value by the value of the use of the commodity, emphasizing the competitiveness between different commodity production labor. There are not inevitable conflicts between two kinds of value, on the other hand, which are complementary to each other. But further analysis found that the distribution of goods is often unfair between different commodity production labor under the influence of interference of power and the unsmooth flow of resources, on the other hand, excessive fairness mayundermine competition,reducing the usefulness of labour.


