

The Historical Review of Tianchang Nectar Cake of Intangible Cultural Heritages in East Anhui

  • 摘要: "甘露饼"是我国南北多地手工生产的一种优质名细传统糕点,其起源甚早,传说始于三国时期,而"甘露饼"三字最早见于宋代,其后史料屡见记载。到了明清时期,"甘露饼"流行于宫廷和民间,在清代更成为人们相互馈赠的佳品。清人俞樾在其笔记《春在堂随笔》中提及的天长"甘露饼",原名"孝子饼",产自安徽天长,其得名"甘露"虽迟至道光年间,却后来居上,在全国各地的"甘露饼"中最负盛名,被列入皖东地区非物质文化遗产名录。


    Abstract: The "nectar cake" is a traditional manual fine cake with high-quality in many localities of China, which originates long ago. It is said that "nectar cake" can be traced back to the period of the Three Kingdoms. The literal words of "nectar cake" first appeared in the Song Dynasty, and then repeatedly followed by historical records. During the Ming and Qing Dynasties, it gained its popularity in court and folk, especially in the Qing Dynasty it has become a fancy gift to each other. In the Qing Dynasty, Yu Yue mentioned "Tianchang nectar cake" in his note-"spring hall essay":produced in Anhui Tianchang, named after the "filial cake", though it only got its name "nectar cake" till the age of Daoguang, it caught up from behind, and became the most prestigious one throughout the country, it having been put on list of intangible cultural heritages in East Anhui.


