A Study on Twenty-four Poems for Yu Sun in the Farmhouse on the West Side of the Road
摘要: 李之仪首次将七绝古诗引入到田园诗的创作中,写出了七绝田园组诗《路西田舍示虞孙小诗二十四首》。这二十四首古诗的内容详实丰富,艺术价值独树一帜,在元祐诗坛仍坚守盛唐之气的创作手法,打破了"士"与"农"界限的创作角度,在田园诗的发展史上具有里程碑式的意义。Abstract: Li Zhiyi was the first person who introduced four-line poems into bucolic poem. He wrote the four-line bucolic poems Twenty-four Poems for Yu Sun in the Farmhouse on the West Side of the Road, which have detailed and opulent contents and unique artistic value. In the period that poet of Yuan You period still adhered to the writing techniques developed in prosperous Tang Dynasty, Li Zhiyi broke the restriction of "Shi" and "Nong", which is a milestone in the history of bucolic poems.