

Reflections on the Integration of Traditional Customs and Modern Society

  • 摘要: 传统习俗与现代社会既有融合的基础,也有融合的障碍。因此,实现传统习俗与现代社会的融合,应做到以下几点:习俗内涵要凝练,习俗形式要创新,习俗保护要亲民。让传统走进现代生活,凸显传统文化的当代优势与自身价值。


    Abstract: Traditional customs and modern society have both the basis of integration and the obstacles against integration. Therefore, in order to realize the integration of traditional customs and modern society, the following points should be achieved:the connotation of customs should be condensed; the form of customs should be innovated; the protection of customs should be close to the people; and make the tradition enter modern life, highlighting the traditional culture of contemporary advantages and their own value.


