The Images of Women in The Moon and Sixpence
摘要: 毛姆的《月亮和六便士》刻画了斯特克里兰的一生,并着重描写了三个与之相关的女性形象:虚伪市侩的小市民形象阿美,放荡不羁的妖妇形象布兰奇与毫无存在感的女仆形象爱塔。从女性主义视角看,该作品揭露了隐含在文学中的对女性的偏见,以及父权社会对女性的排挤和蔑视。Abstract: The Moon and Sixpence, written by Maugham, depicts the life of Stryland and focuses on three female images related to it:Amy, the image of a small citizen in a hypocritical city; Blanche, the image of a wicked woman, and Aita, the image of a maid without a sense of existence. From a feminist perspective, the novel reveals the prejudice against women implicit in literature, and the exclusion and contempt of women in practical society.