

A Comparative Study of College Physics Experiment Teaching Between China and the United States

  • 摘要: 中美高校在大学物理实验教学中的理念、选材、设备、教学方法、实验报告和考核存在一定的差异。"诚信教学"在大学物理实验教学中十分重要。必须改善当前的教学状态,将"诚信教学"深入人心,深化以学生为主体的教师服务宗旨。


    Abstract: There are some differences between Chinese and American universities in the concept, material selection, equipment, teaching methods, experimental reports and assessment of college physics experiment teaching. Credit teaching is very important in college physics experiment teaching. The current teaching situation must be improved, in which credit teaching should be deeply rooted in the hearts of teachers and the student-oriented service purpose should be taken by teachers.


