

Probe into the Effective Means of Cultivating University Students Clean and Honest Concept

  • 摘要: 目前,在本科教育中普遍开展了形式多样廉洁教育工作,取得了一定的成效。通过对某工科院校大学生廉洁观念调查发现,当前高校廉洁教育存在课程设置不合理、活动开展流于形式、覆盖面小等问题。因此,引导大学生树立良好的廉洁观,应该从廉洁教育入手,搭建完善、完整、具有长效机制的高校廉洁教育体系。


    Abstract: At present, all kinds of work about clean and honest education is carried out for undergraduates, and achieves performances. The investigations of students clean and honest concept in one university show that there are problems existing in the courses offered unreasonable, activities are mere formality with small coverage etc. Therefore, the guidance for students to foster favorable clean and honest concept should start from clean and honest education, establish perfect, whole and long-term mechanism university clean and honest education system.


