A Thematic Study of Humanistic Spirits under the Pens of African American Feminist Writers
摘要: 美国黑人女权主义作家着眼于以黑人女性为代表的真实生存状况,体察着人性与人生,书写着人生苦难,勾画着弱小群体在恶劣环境下的求生欲望以及对生活质量和生命价值的顽强追求。他们的文学书写体现了对人的生命、尊严、价值、道德和精神的高度尊重,表达了作家们的人文关怀和人文精神。Abstract: African American Feminist Writers base their writings on human life conditions in perspective of black women communities. With a keen insight into human nature and human life, they describe human miseries under adversity, and sketch people's aspirations and pursuit for living qualities and life values. Their literary creation shows the writers' high regards for human life, dignity, values, morals and spirits, and conveys the writers' deep concerns for cultural and humanistic spirits.