

Spirit Benefit and the Present Age Value

  • 摘要: 利益问题是个体和社会生存发展的根本性问题。物质利益关涉人的生物性的肉体存在,精神利益关涉人的社会性的价值存在。精神利益具有内生性、隐蔽性、共享性、高层次性等独特特征。精神利益概念丰富了马克思主义利益理论,其对当代中国的经济、政治、道德和法治建设都具有重要的实践意义。


    Abstract: Benefit involves a major matter of individual and social development. Material benefits relate to human beings' physical existence, while spiritual benefits relate to human beings' social value existence. Spirit benefits have some distinctive features such as endophytism, concealment, sharing and high hierarchy. The spirit benefit enriches the Marxism benefit theory. And in modern Chinese society, the spirit benefit existence have a very important value in the area of the economy, politics, morality, rule of law, ecological civilization and socialist cultural and ethical progress.


