

Schumann's Piano Concerto in A Minor

  • 摘要: 十九世纪初浪漫乐派兴起,舒曼以其独特的风格,在这一时期扮演了承前启后的重要角色。其作品《A小调钢琴协奏曲》借鉴古典乐派与浪漫乐派的风格,成功地将传统因素与浪漫时期协奏曲的特征相结合,完美地勾勒出协奏曲式的架构,实现了乐曲主题单一性与变化性的统一,使之具有高度的独创性。


    Abstract: With the rise of romantic music in the early 19th century, Schumann played an important role in connecting the past and the future with his unique style.His Piano Concerto in A Minor borrows from the styles of classical and romantic music, successfully combines the traditional factors with the characteristics of concertos in the romantic period, perfectly outlines the structure of the concerto, and realizes the unity of the theme and variability of the music so as to make it highly original.


