

Translation Strategies of Metaphors in Waley's Version of “A Peacock Flew

  • 摘要: 隐喻的翻译策略一直受到翻译界的重视,其不应仅是一种语言修辞现象的简单对应,更涉及跨文化翻译中“异化”和“归化”的策略选择。《孔雀东南飞》韦利译本充分运用了隐喻的翻译策略,采取了异化和归化结合,对于一些中国特有的文化因素,在直译的基础上加注或解释;对于需要解释很多、打断阅读节奏的或者根本找不到对等喻体的例子,在翻译时选择换喻或有意识的隐略。


    Abstract: The translation of metaphor has always been attached great importance to by the translation circle. The strategic choice of foreignization and domestication in cross-cultural translation should always be considered rather than just a simple correspondence of the rhetorical phenomenon.Waley's version of A Peacock Flew fully applied the translation strategies of metaphors, adopted a combination of foreignization and domestication. Some unique Chinese culture factors are annotated or explained on the basis of literal translation; for examples that require a lot of explanations(those may interrupt the reading rhythm) or examples which no equivalence can be found in English, the translator chooses metonymy or omission.


