

On Information Disclosure of Basic-level Commercial Banks from the Perspective of Public Goods Theory

  • 摘要: 信息本质上是一种公共物品。作为信息供给方的商业银行通常会表现出对信息披露的懈怠。因此,监管当局需参照国际惯例,结合本国、本地实情,从完善商业银行信息披露规章制度、加强信息披露宣传引导,以及督促商业银行改善公司治理、提升管理技术水平、强化内部审计、加大激励约束等多维度着手,不断改进监管方式方法、提高监管效率,推动基层商业银行信息披露质量有效提升。


    Abstract: Information is essentially a kind of public article. As suppliers of information, commercial banks usually show slack in information disclosure. Therefore, the regulatory authorities should refer to international conventions, combine domestic and local situation. In addition, they should continue to improve regulatory methods, increase regulatory efficiency, and promote the information disclosure quality of basic-level commercial banks by improving the regulatory framework of commercial banks' information disclosure, strengthening the publicity and guidance of information disclosure, urging commercial banks to improve corporate governance, improving the level of management technology, strengthening internal audit, and increasing incentives and constraints.


