Research on the Optimization Disposition of Information Resource in University Libraries Based on the Efficiency Principle
摘要: 文献资源是高校图书馆服务的基础。安徽工业大学图书馆建立保障重点兼具特色的馆藏文献体系,建立纸质文献为基础、电子文献为重点、共享文献为补充的馆藏结构,加强院系对文献资源建设和效益评估的参与度,馆藏文献资源配置不断优化。Abstract: Information resource construction is the basic serviceof university library. The library of Anhui University of technology establish information resources system with characteristics, based on paper resources, with more digital resources and sharing resources as complementary, strengthen schools and departments' construction and evaluation of information resources and continue the optimization of information resources.