

“Transmutation” or “Stagnation”: A Study of Wuhu Flood and Relieves in 1931

  • 摘要: 1931年夏,江淮流域暴雨连绵数月,芜湖罹遭浩劫,沦为泽国,灾民四处流徙,市面经济萧条,社会秩序混乱。面对灾情,政府和民间团体纷纷采取行动救民于水火,帮助灾民渡过难关。但政府和义赈团体囿于社会经济发展水平,救助能力有限,加之传统荒赈救治体系式微,难以摆脱时代的桎梏,因而无力从根本上救治水灾。


    Abstract: In the summer of 1931, Wuhu was devastated by heavy rains in the Jianghuai River basin for several months, and was turned into a swampy country, with victims moving around, the market economy depressed, and social order disrupted. Facing the disaster, the government and civil groups took actions to save the people from the disaster and assist them to tide over the difficulties. However, the government and voluntary relief groups are limited in their ability to provide assistance due to the socio-economic development, and the traditional system of relieves and rescue for the desolate is declining and difficult to escape from the shackles of the times, thus they are unable to save the floods fundamentally.


