

On Film Images of Queers in Disney Animated Films

  • 摘要: 21世纪的迪士尼动画电影颠覆了传统电影类型模式,摒弃以往人物呈现风格,挑战旧有社会秩序及固化观念,为居于社会权利架构从属地位的酷儿们重塑身份,最终通过酷儿角色接受“与众不同”的自我折射出现实中的酷儿建立自我身份和社会身份的历程。以数部迪士尼动画电影为例,立足于文化研究理论和酷儿理论,对迪士尼动画电影中的酷儿形象演化加以解读,从而揭示酷儿群体的性别认同在大众媒介框架中的呈现,这将为性别文化研究提供一种洞察途径。


    Abstract: Disney animated films in the 21st century violates the conventional filming models, forsakes the unchanged featuring of characters and challenges the social rules and stereotypes, which consequently reestablishes a new identity for queers, the social subordinate or outcast. The final acceptance in the films reflects the self-identification of queers in the reality. Based on culture studies, queer theories and anatomy of Disney animated films, this paper takes examples of several animations to attain a comprehensive analysis of the images of queers established by the mass media. This research will be helpful in the further study on the gender roles in mass media.


