

Discussion on the Later Tang Zhuangzong’s Grudging His Wealth and Arousing His Army’s Resentment

  • 摘要: 《旧五代史》编撰者认为,庄宗李存勖“靳吝货财,激六师之愤怨”是其政权覆灭的重要原因之一。然考诸史籍,上述观点是有违史实的。庄宗享国期间,不仅制定了丰厚的武将俸禄政策,而且屡屡厚赏将士;庄宗时期军队的叛乱,并非庄宗靳吝赏赐货财所致,究其根源,实为唐末以降地方藩镇的弊端所致。


    Abstract: Old Five-Dynasties History compilers believed that Zhuangzong grudging his wealth was one of the important reasons of his regime’s collapse. However, investigating it in historical books, these ideas are contrary to historical facts. During Zhuangzong’s reign, not only did he formulate generous salary policy, but also he gave a good reward to soldiers for many times. The emperor generously rewarded the army and the regime was overthrown. The military rebellion wasn’t caused by Zhuangzong’s grudge, while the basic cause of the problem was the malpractice of local vassals in the late Tang Dynasty.


