Probe into the Combination of PE with Education in University
摘要: 高校实行体教结合有利于扩大办学影响力, 引领校园体育文化, 但目前一般普通高校在体教结合上存在生源不足、水平不高、管理不善等问题。应严格体教结合的准入条件, 建立严格体教结合的评估制度, 保障梯队建设并帮助运动员完善学业规划, 办出有特色的体教结合模式。Abstract: The combination of PE with education in university is favorable for spreading its influence, and guiding campus PE culture, while universities are short of students, in low level and imperfect management, etc.We should be strict with enrolling conditions, establish strict evaluation system, guarantee the building of teaching staffs, help athletes to complete their studies and form the mode of combining PE with education with its own characteristics.