

On the Inner Transcendence of Confucianism at Axial Age from Perspective of Mencius

  • 摘要: 古典儒学在经历了轴心时期一系列哲学突破之后,形成了一个与现实世界"不即不离"的超越世界,并达成了内向超越的结局。在这一过程中,孟子作为古典儒家承前启后的思想家,其哲学突破有着关键性意义:不仅在孔子的基础上进一步推动了儒家内向超越的进程,更为其开示出了从"存心"到"养性"再到"事天"的基本步骤。


    Abstract: Classical Confucian learning, after series of philosophically breakthrough at axial age, comes to the surpassing world that is separated to that of realistic in a state of keeping apart but not afar, and reaches an end of inner transcendence. In the course of transformation, Mencius philosophical breakthrough is critically of great importance due to his contribution as a classical Confucianism thinker serving as a link between past and future, which is presented both in the promotion to the inner transcendence on the basis of Confucius and in the basic step from intention to self-cultivation and even to serving heaven.


