A Discussion on the Curriculum Setting about Introduction to Specialty
摘要: 专业导论课程为学生提供了一个了解本专业的平台, 使学生对专业发展的历史与现状有一个比较清晰的认识。同时课程内容的合理设置有助于学生顺利完成从高中生到大学生的角色过渡, 并能在一定程度上激发学生学习本专业的兴趣。Abstract: The introductory course provides students with a platform to understand their own specialties, so that students have a clear understanding of the history and current situation of their own specialties.At the same time, the reasonable setting of the course content will help students to complete the transition from high school students to the role of college students, and to a certain extent trigger students' interest on the specialty.