

On the Travelling by SU Shi and the Humanities Landscape in Wanjiang

  • 摘要: 通过考查北宋大文学家苏轼的诗词文和相关文献、游历皖江寻觅苏轼遗踪,发现苏轼一生曾三过皖江,留下了各种形式的文学和书画创作,此外,还在皖江留下了其它珍贵的墨迹,与他有关的文苑佳话至今为人传诵。考察苏轼与皖江的关系,有助于进一步解读苏轼生平及研究发展皖江的地方文化。


    Abstract: It is found in the inquiry and investigation on the poem and poetry made by SU Shi, master writer in the Northern Song Dynasty, and the related literatures as well as in my journey for his whereabouts of travelling that he visited Wanjiang for three times in his life and left varieties of creations in literature and paintings and calligraphy. Besides, there still exist other precious writings and paintings, and much-told stories related can also be heard in many areas in Wanjiang. And the investigation on the relationship between this master writer and Wanjiang is helpful to the further explanation to his life as well as to the research and development of local culture.


