

On the Perfection of Conflict Solving Mechanism between Freedom of Speech and Right of Reputation

  • 摘要: 言论自由和名誉权权利都是公民的基本权利,但是由于权利相互性的关系和二者价值取向不同,在实践中二者经常出现相互冲突情形。应从进一步完善宪法规定,界定言论自由的范围;在刑民法律层面规范言论自由,加强可操作性;区分公众人物与普通民众名誉权和加强对商业言论的合法性审查四个方面着手,完善我国现行言论自由与名誉权冲突解决机制。


    Abstract: Freedom of speech and right of reputation are the basic rights for citizens, because of the mutual relationship of rights and different value-orientation between the two, conflicts often occur in practice. We should further perfect constitutional prescription, define the scope of freedom of speech, regulate freedom of speech in criminal and civil law, strengthen operability, differentiate the right of reputation between public figures and ordinary people, and strengthen the inspection of legality of commercial speech to better the current conflict solving mechanism between freedom of speech and right of reputation.


