

Reform Practice of College Mathematics Teaching Model Based on MOOC and Flipped Classroom

  • 摘要: 慕课"和"翻转课堂"是一种全新的教学模式,在普通高校大学数学的教学中教师用慕课资源实现翻转课堂改变了满堂灌的教学方式,让学生成为课堂的主角,课上的教学活动为学生提供展示的平台,能有效地提高教学质量。


    Abstract: MOOC and flipped classroom is a new teaching model. In the teaching of college mathematics in colleges and universities, teachers use MOOC to make a flipped classroom, thus changing the way of non-stop talkingin class, so that students become the main role of the classroom. The teaching activities of the class provide students with a platform for demonstrating, which can effectively improve the quality of teaching.


