

Research on the Creation of Modern Image Fine Brush Painting

  • 摘要: 工笔画是中国传统绘画艺术里非常重要的画种,至今已有上千年历史,它是以线描工细的形式为主,画面设色工整。工笔画在唐宋时期成为画坛主流,但随着元代文人画兴起,崇尚水墨黑白的写意画取代了工笔画的地位。当代工笔画发展重写实性而忽略了精神性;重现代流行时尚而出现题材千篇一律;表现技巧的提升削弱了艺术家对艺术的感悟与表现的才气。


    Abstract: In the Chinese traditional painting art, the fine brush painting (gongbihua in Chinese pingying) is one of the most important kinds with a history of more than one thousand years, which is characteristics of careful line drawing with color neatly distributed in the painting. It is regarded in the Tang and Song Dynasty as the mainstream of the Chinese paintings while the freehand painting (xieyihua) believing in the color of black and white comes into the fashion with the upgrading of man-of-letters painting (wenrenhua) in the Yuan Dynasty. It is indicated in the research that modern fine brush painting in the development pays more attention to the realism but the spirituality and to the modern fashion and popularity but the different subjects, and the promotion of techniques for presentation conversely leads to the weakening of artistic comprehension and performance in the painting.


