

A Study of College Students' Ideology and Political Education in Daily Life

  • 摘要: 大学生思想政治教育的理想化、工具化,忽视了思想政治教育与生活世界之间的本质联系,违背了思想政治教育的本质。要提高思想政治教育的实效性,走出思想政治教育的困境,就必须要立足于学生的生活世界,回归学生的真实生活。


    Abstract: The idealization and instrumentalization of college students' ideology and political education violates the essential connection between the education and the living world. It also violates the essence of the education. In order to improve the efficiency of the education and breakthrough the dilemma, it is a must to stand on the living world of the students and turn to the students' real life.


